SolXEN Mining Monitor


Current SolXEN State

Hash Rate
Next Amp ETA
Avg Priority Fee

Profitability Analysis

Mining Cost (100K)
Market Value (100k)
Percentage Difference

Last 1000 Mining Transactions

Total Transactions
Unique Miners
Avg Hashes per Tx
Highest Hash Count
Lowest Hash Count
Avg Cost per Tx
Highest Cost
Lowest Cost

How Does This Work?

The script analyzes the cost of mining SolXEN on the Solana blockchain by fetching the latest 1,000 mining transactions. It calculates the mining cost in SOL for each transaction and determines the amount of SolXEN minted based on the number of hashes, superhashes, and the current AMP value. The script then compares the cost of mining 100,000 SolXEN to its current market price, using data from the Jupiter Aggregator API. Finally, it displays whether mining or buying is more profitable, with detailed results in an easy-to-read format.